Monday, October 4, 2010

28 weeks

This post is a little late and I'm just going to use a picture from my baby shower but I figured I better get on the ball and start getting these together. I have taken pictures in the past few weeks but never got around to posting- I might go back and do a recap one day but who knows! I just want to remember every step of this pregnancy and all the little details. Next post will be about the baby shower and then hopefully the nursery! Happy Monday!

I'm 28 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 28 Weeks
Size of baby: Halsey is the size of a head of cabbage
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 20 lbs -I really need to slow down but it was my birthday and shower so I gave myself a break!
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing maternity jeans and mostly maternity shirts 
Gender: It's a Girl!
Movement: She moves alot but is pretty much on a schedule
Sleep: I sleep just not through the whole night
What I miss: Not having aches and pains
Cravings: Mexican food and fruit
Symptoms: I feel pretty good- I still get pretty tired fast
Best Moment this week: My 3d ultrasound and baby shower


  1. I can't believe you're already 28 weeks.

  2. What a neat sign! Lookin' good! Keep the pictures coming! =)
