Monday, March 7, 2011

A Special Birthday

My intentions for this post are not to be depressing, I just want to remember this and I'll try not to get all sappy. At the end of the day, I really just had a big smile because I know that she would not trade where she is for anything.

Yesterday was a bittersweet day for our family. We celebrated our precious Granny's birthday as she celebrated her first one with Jesus. Our family has always been close, but spending time with them now means more to me than ever. I know all of our time is limited and I want to make as many memories as I can. Of course I forgot my camera but I stole a couple from Kristy :-)

Our family basically ate a yummy lunch, visited, and was just together- exactly what Granny would have wanted. The table was full of a variety of pictures of her. Some with papa, her kids, grandkids, and great-grandbaby Kynsley Jo. It was good, but hard, to see them all.

Kynsley Jo playing. I cannot wait until the girls are big enough to play together. I have a feeling they will be pretty good buds. 

Kynsley checking out Halsey's buttons! She is so sweet with her- she'll be the best big sister one day ;)

I cannot say how grateful I am for my family- I love how we keep each other strong. My aunt bought a tree in honor of Granny and I'm so mad I forgot to get a picture yesterday. But it will be there tomorrow :) I love that we have something that represents her and I can see TONS of pictures taken by that special tree already.

We came home, got cozy and I took some pictures of Halsey by her Willow Tree angel and Granny's locket. I plan on doing something like that every year with her, she may be gone physically but her spirit lives on and for that, I am thankful.

This song pretty much sums up my feelings right now. I do not know all the answers but it doesn't matter. God is the same God he was yesterday and will be tomorrow. Psalm 46:10 says Be still and know that I am God. God is everything he says he is or he is nothing at all. I cannot believe he is nothing. He is more than enough.

 The joy of the LORD is your strength and stronghold.    Nehemiah 8:10


  1. Wow!! Sounds like you have a really special family. Love the video too! Your baby girl is getting so big and so cute. Take care!

  2. What a great post Em- love it! I know, I forgot to get a picture of the tree, too! It's very cool though. Hopefully we'll get a picture of 3 baby girls together soon! ;)
