Sunday, July 24, 2011

School's Out!

So technically Friday was last day of summer classes but I submitted my last test today. I cannot say how happy I am that I get a little "summer break" before school starts back in August. Psychology almost did me in and I am just glad it is over!

Halsey's first tooth has popped through and her attitude is showing it! She has been so cranky and whiney this past week, I'm sure shots didn't help any,  and I am one tired momma. Hopefully she will be back to feeling like herself soon.

Everyone told me it goes so fast and I can't even tell you how many times I heard that, but honestly it is so true. It makes me sad to think that my little sweetheart is 7 months old and is already getting big. I know her birthday party will be here before we know it and don't get me wrong I am excited to watch her grow and see who she is going to be, but it's also sad!

Hopefully I can get her monthy posts up tomorrow and catch up!